Wednesday 23 September 2015


Hey loves!

Today I'm sharing this outfit that I had designed long back and I named this post as "The moony sea". There is a connection between these two words. The moolight enhances the beauty of the sea when it falls on its surface. This was one of my best outfit I had designed. The fabric I chose was georgette and satin and they perfectly blend with each other. The surface of moon when I visualise is somewhat rough and so is the georgette and the surface of the sea is smooth or flowy according to my imagination so I have also used satin fabric. I also added a sequinzed fabric in front beneath the ornamented surface.The surface of water shines when moonlight falls over it. The ornamented surface shines in the same manner when light strikes over it. Imagination is a great tool humans have through which they can connect things better and so could I connect it. 

This outfit was inpired by the thought of combining the elements of the ' Moon' and the 'Sea' and creating a beautiful surface using one of my self explored technique. 

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Pic courtesy by Laveena Rajendran